Monday, January 23, 2006

Rules to entice Open Source adoption

Over the years, I've seen some pretty consistent mistakes done by a large portion of the open source community that have forced me to stay out of it. I think the biggest issue is open sourcers seem to think everyone's a mind reader and just KNOW everything there is to know about their product, and if you don't, you shouldn't be using Linux anyway. Well, if that's your attitude, fuck you and go somewhere else. It never ceases to amaze me that people will put their software out on the web for others to use, and then bitch when people ask them questions. For those that are interested in having people use their software, read on....

Rule #1. Screenshots should be useful and viewable. Screenshots go a long way to telling people about your software. They can see if it's laid out well, if it has the features they need in a way that makes it easy to use them. Sometimes it'll even tell you more about what the software does. Now, I know it's antithetical to the *nix philosophy of "GUI bad, command line GOOD", but too bad. If you don't want to look, don't look. More often than not, I can decide if a particular piece of software will work for me by just looking at it.

Now, that being said, please read this part: SMALLER IS BETTER! This is the other thing that blows my mind. Wanna piss off an open sourcer? Send them a mail in HTML format. You'll get so much crap about sending "bloated" mail. Then, what do they do? They take a screenshot of their entire 1600x1200, 32 million color desktop to show you their new tray widget. Three hours after it finishes downloading the screenshot you can then decide if you want to go further. Seriously, cut 'em down. Resize the app so it's a minimum size necessary to view the functionality, take a screenshot of it, and then put it through the Gimp to cut down on the colorspace, and perhaps compress it. Hell, crop out anything that's not your app while you're at it. It is not necessary to see every icon on your desktop in order to see the new word processor you wrote.

Rule #2. Docs are very useful ways of populating your website with useful information. I used to use LFS, and how often did I find a package that SEEMED to fit my needs, only to find it required hundreds of packages installed, or really didn't fit those needs at all? Too often. You wanna save me some time and just link your INSTALL and README files on your page? They're plain text, so they're not going to kill your space or bandwidth, and will save me a ton of time. I shouldn've have to download a package, untar it, and then go into an editor just to find out the prereqs for it.

Rule #2a. Know your prereqs.
In an ideal world, every developer would have an LFS machine around so they know exactly what libs need to be installed in order for their software to work. There's nothing worse than having a long build appear to finish successfully, only to have the executable panic the machine when run. If they fail to test build it that way first...up against the wall!

Rule #3. About first, history second. The first thing on your website should NOT be a changelog. It doesn't help me to know that you "modified mallocs to use less memory" if I don't know what your software does. Tell me what it is, then put the history and changelogs elsewhere. If I'm interested, I'll look. And, a real-world example or two can sometimes go a long way to helping me decide. Occasionally, I'll come across a project and after looking at it for some time, still have no idea what it does or why I'd use it. I have, more than once, come across a project and then dismissed it only to be directed to it by another site that says "try this, you'll love it!" When I look again, I slap my head. I don't like slapping my head. While we're on this topic, put in an "English" changelog, too. Instead of the above entry, simply say "this version uses less memory".

Rule #4. Not everyone is a programmer. For the love of Cthulu, take pride in what you do! Not everyone can develop software. It's a gift you have, don't take it lightly! If someone asks a question, "look at the source" is not an answer unless they specifically hand you a code block and say "how does this work?"

Rule #5. Don't use Sourceforge. I'm sorry, but I hate SF. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to fight my way through thirty different extremelt slow-loading pages just to download the tarball. Besides, no one uses SourceForge right, anyway. Think i'm being a dick? You find me ONE project on there that actually uses the "Docs" link. Most of the "Project Home Page" links point to an empty index, if you're lucky.

Rule #6. Your software really isn't that revolutionary, work with someone else. How many window managers are there now? The apptrove at Freshmeat tells me it's got 130 projects in that category. Is that really necessary? Really? You mean to tell me no one can create a basic, simple fucking window manager and then add functionality in via plugins? Beyond window managers, though, let's look at some others: instant messengers, how 'bout using a the same config file as one of the others? The information in there should be the same, so if I want to install Gaim and a command line IM, I can and not have to worry about how they're each configured. Would it really be that hard to keep my username/password for each network in just ONE location? For a group that goes nuts about some of the choices Microsoft has made with Windows, you dorks have sure made a lot more mistakes in terms of simplicity and flexibility!

See, the problem is too many choices is NOT a strength. You can spout your stale rhetoric about that all you want, but that don't make it true. Too many choices, especially the apples-to-oranges choices offered only make life more difficult. We have all of these tools and such, and that's great, but they all have different purposes and functionality. You can't just choose one over the other easily...especially when you want to choose on functionality, but you're limited in KDE-type apps or something, and what you want are only available in Gnome. Now I gotta install another fucking environment just to use YOUR app. No thanks.

Okay, this rant's over. Seriously, just make it easier on people. Complexity for complexity's sake is a stupid way to put your software out there.

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