Monday, November 19, 2012

The Irresistible Ingress

I first stumbled upon the cancerous conspiracy when a baneful video overtook my browsing feed.  It was a communication, but it wasn't for me.  It spoke of a detestable malevolence that was being unleashed on our world and of those who were conspiring with it. It also made mention of those who were raising their fists in defiance of whatever cackling, squamous fiends were seeking entrance to our world, but only in passing.

Within moments, I started my research.  What a fool I was!  Since it concerned eldritch terrors beyond our comprehension, I started of course with  I won't go into how I was granted a login to that dread site.  Suffice it to say my college years were a time of degenerate experimentation, and better consigned to the dusty, far reaches of my memory.  The only evidence of the foul acts I committed in my quest for hidden lore remain within the jabbering chaos that comprise my dreams.

Alas, that accursed digital tome was of no value to my search!  Oh, how I wish I was possessed of greater alacrity and could have recorded that feed.  Even now, it fades from my mind like some living thing making recollection of its secrets harder and harder to achieve.  Of this, I am certain; the dread symbol I saw within was unlike any charm I've ever laid eyes on.  It was not the Elder Sign, or any of its ken, but the angles within angles seemed... familiar, but still alien.  And, for one who has researched the darkest of knowledge, that is saying much.

My research, however, did uncover one name:  Brandon Badger.  As ever a contrived nom de plume as ever I'd heard, but it was the only lead I had.  I tracked him to the Niantic Project, although that proved to be a dead end as well.  No record in any registry I could find, not even an address!  The unctuous marketing drivel that was their website left me, in a way, with even less insight than I had before visiting it. The remorseless, conscious thing behind that vague prose was obviously adept at obfuscation.

These failures, however, only fueled my desire to delve into deeper and more obscene fathomage.  It was far too easy to find this scant information, and experience has taught that when one finds the first breadcrumbs that the destination is worth finding the rest of the path.  So, oblivious to my better judgement, I began scouring the more aphotic reaches of the Internet.  Chat room after chat room, dread forum after dread forum, my persistence lead me nowhere except deeper into repugnant frustration.

It was only then that the frighteningly malevolent implications of this connivance began to dawn on me.  Even Google, in its acumen and knowledge, seems to have not eluded without taint.  Every search either lead to no new insight or some aberrantly-bestial carnality for which no appropriate age limit could be applied to spare the hapless viewer from permanent scarring.

Thus, this missive.  No matter how obsequious in my tenebrous investigation I was, I gleaned no more trace of Niantic or this Badger personage.  Whatever conformation their apparently many-tentacled organization takes, it remains adroitly concealed.   Ingress to their shadowy coterie can only be secured by parlaying according to their precepts.  By placing this document unconcealed on the Internet, I am declaring my intendment to engage in their sacrilegious pursuit.  I am powerless to resist my own cupidity for obscene enlightenment.

If my countenance be forever lost to this world, tell my wife and daughters that I loved them. If I am successful, my remaining time will not be my own.

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